So, it's come to the final week of 2010 and I thought a recap of my year, my resolutions and the purpose of this blog was called for. Well I had thought about it, it was Helen that prodded me on Facebook so I should probably do it :p

It's been an interesting year, I can say that much. I feel my finger has been dipped into many pots. I'll go through my resolutions from the beginning of the year first and then add on anything more I need to on top of that :)

 Get to know myself better spiritually and personally - I don't know if I've achieved this one or not. It's a bit of a difficult thing to know. I know I have questioned my spirituality a lot this last year, more than I feel I have for a while but I still feel that I have lacked putting the effort into it.

One of the things I wanted to start to do for this was to meditate. I've heard so many things about meditation from various groups of people and how it's the most beneficial thing ever. I struggled to keep space free for such things. I guess this is one to carry over to next year. But that's another blog entry :)

 To continue to lose weight - Well I did lose weight, admittedly most of it this last month or so but I've finally got down to a weight which is nearing healthy. Woo me! So I lost a stone in total pretty much this year, happy me! This is another one I'm going to carry on over to 2011 though so I can get down to my goal weight and be thin for my wedding :) 

Continue to do charity work - I took a different approach to charity work this year, I actually became a member in a fundraising group. I enjoyed the experience but I decided it wasn't for me. I may go back some day but at the moment I have too many things to concentrate on. So I shall continue to support charity the way I usually do, though charity shops, office fundraising and random donations :)

Learn to cook more  And you know what, I have! I have been a bit more inventive in the kitchen this year, trying out new things and trying them out on Andy. A few things we've liked, some we haven't and I fully intend to carry on with this. I have to say my favourite thing is a recent recipe for Carrot and Butternut Squash soup. So good! I bought a new Weight Watchers cook book and fully intend to try some new things out from there too :) Viva la Cooking!

Create and maintain a herb container - Well the intentions were there, but this never actually happened. The closest I got was an indoor "Grow your own Chilli's" kit. The plants are already dead. Seems I have inherited my mothers knack with plants...

Persue my interests - Again, I feel this is a hard one to measure. Although I feel I have pursued some interests I have so many more I haven't touched on. I tried to write more this year, and I did actually take part (for a while) in the National Novel Writing Month. I think I got about 10% of the words needed but there was no way I was going to finish it! I've yet to go back to the text and see what I can do to it and see if I can salvage the story for a decent novel. I even attended some writing workshops in October I utterly adored and feel this has really helped understand where I am when I'm writing.
 As for everything else? Well I turned my hand to jewellery making, and I've made some things I've loved and gifted some to others who have also loved them. Hope to carry this on in the new year too :) I also want to turn my hand to candle making, we shall see!

Engage more in finding out my beliefs and affirm my interest in the Craft - Recently I listened to Tim Minchin's Storm, which is a poem about a girl, oddly enough, called Storm.  Now Storm is a new age hippie, love the world, sod everything, herbs are the way to go, airy fairy person. The kind of person I've spent ages wanting to be. And yet, I sided with Tim's view of her and the arguments held within the poem, and thus cynic Jen was born. Though it was short lived and I've kinda now decided that to believe I need to witness. To believe in magic I need to witness it. So I'm going to have to do something about that, but when and how has yet to come into it. Something else for next year.

Practice Hooping and Poi - I tried, honest I did. It was just too hot this summer and before I knew it it was winter!

Become a tidier person and do things when they need to be done instead of putting them off -

Become more me - I guess I have made steps towards this, I've tried new things that may or not have agreed with me, I've made decisions and created views on beliefs, politics. Though I'm still a muddled up bundle of eclectic mayhem :) Don't think I'll ever be anything else!!

There are so many things this blog entry doesn't even touch on, the way my confidence has changed this year, the way I'm feeling more opinionated, taking an interest in politics now they are fucking us up more than ever, taking interests in other aspects of history, wanting to go and view things. But perhaps these will come up in my next blog where I'll do my resolutions.

Overall I wouldn't say 2010 has been a bad year, not the best, but I'm still here, I'm happy and I'm getting married next August. What more could I want?