I never ever wanted this blog to become a vessel for my hate, to be filled with words of negativity, or somewhere for personal attack. But some things just need to be said.

Most of my readers of this blog are in a chatroom, a spin off of a place I once had called home. Well now it's turning into an episode of Eastenders and would love to turn around and whack some of the characters in the face. I know that can never be a good thing. The "Family" is falling apart. People are easily upset and to be honest I'm finding it a bit overbearing.

First lot you get are the Emo types. "Oh woe is me, my life is terrible, I'm fat and ugly, I hate everything." Sorry but shut the fuck up. You are the some of the most beautiful people I know, and if you actually pulled your heads out of your arses you might actually improve and see yourselves for the beautiful individuals you are! I've been there, it doesn't take much. You can turn your lives around.

Then we have the Egos. Gods gift to women, Gods gift to this, God's gift to that, hob nobbing with the "stars" and bragging a bout it every second you can. Admittedly you aren't all like that, a select, few. You repulse me, seriously, if all men were like that, I 'd become a lesbian. But then the girls are just the same, oh so better than everyone else aren't you? Just because you have a little bit of money? Please, get over yourself.

Then there's the immature lot, that makes up the majority of the chat. Now some of you I don't mind, some of you I love to Death. Some of you need to wake the fuck up. How old are you?  Be your obsession with Cumshots or bubbles you really need to grow up. Acting like your 5 is great, when you're 5. When you are in your twenties or on your way out of school perhaps you should think a little more like an adult? or is this too challenging on your brains?

Some of you think you are pretty, you are, some of you think you are the prettiest thing in the world. Lets not go that far. Yes, it's nice to think highly of yourself but you are on the complete opposite side of the Emo. Arrogant to hell. And no, you can't sing that well either.

And for those of you who "know it all" and can offer advice to people and then upset them? Please fuck off. When that person is older than you, and you have no idea what they are going through do you not think it's best to leave them alone? Don't give advice unless you are willing to take it yourself? Savvy?

Right, I'm guessing most of you have already paired yourself up to one of these categories. Good. Now go and do something about it.

Any issues. Email me on wabe@hotmail.co.uk. All MSN invites will be ignored. Ta.