I thought I would focus a bit on my dieting as I feel like since I made my resolution I haven’t really mentioned it again!

I’ve been back on my diet for three weeks now and despite a hiccup last week I’ve lost 7lb. That’s half a stone. That’s just a little over 3kg for the euro folks :)

Now how am I doing this. First of, I started my Scottish Slimmers diet again which is a points based system, not too dissimilar to Weight Watchers but much simpler! So I should be eating 45 checks a day which is about 1125kcal. I am allowed various essential extras such as fruit, dairy produce and as much veg as I like (but not potatoes!). I’d been on it before and it worked well for me so I thought I’d stick with it and see how I get on.

I have to admit that this time I feel a bit wiser with my dietary choices. I no longer feel like I’m starving at the end of the day because I ate something that was too high in calories and doesn’t allow for extra nibbles. Now I am not eating enough. Yesterday I didn’t reach my 45 check goal and only managed 35. And even then I’m sure it was less because I didn’t eat half my dinner. My reason. I wasn’t hungry. I know that if I posted on the SS board I’d either have people telling me off for not eating enough or being told that I wasn’t alone, that there were plenty others who also struggle to meet their point recommendations. However, the weight is dropping off. I’m feeling trimmer already and I can foresee me having to get new jeans soon, or at least a new belt.  

Another attempt at me picking up the healthy living, is running. Now I am the most unfit person in the history of unfit people. When I first went running I nearly died. I nearly died last time too. I am supposed to go running tonight but I think I’ll hit the cross trainer for a bit instead. I need new trainers, and as I’m running on hard surfaces my non supportive falling apart pair is now causing havoc with my knees. Perhaps the cross trainer will be a nice break.

Ideally I want to get down to 9 and a half stone, but I’m not fussy. I was 10 stone and a half before I came down to England, a nice weight I thought, had a bit of a belly and my legs weren’t all that attractive so if I could get rid of them that would be great. I’m approximately 12 stone at the moment. I now have 2 and a half to go. 2 stone at the minimum. That shouldn’t take long.

I can do this.

Can’t I?